To participate in the 29th Congress of Students and Young Scientists "Future by Science" (hereinafter the Congress), authors must fill out Google form
and attach:
1. Theses file (sample)
2. Photo/scan of payment receipt
The name of the file with the electronic version of theses must necessarily contain the surname and first name of the first author.
Cost of participation:
- active participation (oral or poster presentation and publication of theses) - UAH 300;
- only publication of theses - UAH 200;
- free listener - free of charge.
Active members will receive a member's package. Please send the participation fee to the «Pryvatbank» card for each work separately, regardless of the number of co-authors.
Miroshnyk V.
It is mandatory to indicate the surname and initials of the first author, as well as the first three words of the title of the work, in the purpose of payment.
The deadline for registration for the Congress is March 10
Please note that the author is responsible for the content of the submitted materials. Editing will not be done. The organizing committee is not responsible for spelling and stylistic errors.
The organizing committee reserves the right to refuse authors the placement in the collection of theses that do not meet the design requirements, which are posted below, violate the principles of academic integrity, or are abstract.
All theses accepted for publication will be published in the electronic collection of theses of the Congress and posted on the websites of the Scientific Society of Students and the Council of Young Scientists of Ternopil National Medical University named after I.Ya. Horbachevsky.
Theses requirements
- works submitted for participation in the Congress must not have been previously published or submitted for publication in other publications; - all theses are checked for plagiarism, the level of uniqueness must be at least 70%;
- the maximum number of co-authors is 3;
- volume of printable materials (without title and authors) from 2000 to 3000 characters (with spaces);
- the names of pharmaceutical companies, equipment, and reagents are given in the original transcription; measurement results - in units of the International System (SI);
- all abbreviations (except generally accepted ones) should be decoded at the first use;
- theses should not contain tables, figures and other graphic images, a list of used literature.
Technical requirements: the text must be written in the text editor Microsoft Office Word (.docx); font Times New Roman, point 14, line spacing 1.0.
Designing theses:
- in the upper left corner of the first page, without a paragraph, the last name and is indicated in italics
name of author(s);
- below in the center the following information:
the name of theses (in bold, capital letters);
the department where the work was performed; scientific degree, scientific title, surname and initials of the scientific supervisor (for example, Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. Surname I.P.);
institution of higher education where the work was performed;
city, country
The thesis text must be structured (mandatory structural elements are highlighted in bold):
- topicality;
- goal;
- materials and methods;
- research results;
- conclusions.
The organizing committee sincerely wishes you success in the preparation and presentation of scientific achievements!