Dear colleagues!

Registration has begun for the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific papers in fields of knowledge and specialties, which this year will be held in one round in a face-to-face format (letter of IMZO attached).

Papers are accepted in Ukrainian and English from the following areas:

- theoretical medicine;

- clinical medicine;

- pediatrics;

- physical therapy, occupational therapy;

- dentistry;

- pharmacy, industrial pharmacy.

The competition will be held in two stages:

Stage I - review of papers;

Stage II - holding a final conference (defense of scientific paper) in a face-to-face format.

To participate, you must send an electronic version of the scientific paper and information about the author(s) to by March 25, 2025.

Requirements for the design of the work and information about the author(s) are contained in the attached Competition Regulations.

Лист ІМЗО.pdf
Положення про Конкурс.pdf

Visit of the Student Scientific Society of Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

On February 22-23, 2025, the Student Scientific Society of Ternopil National Medical University named after I.Ya. Horbachevsky received a delegation of the Student Scientific Society of Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, which included the Deputy Chairman of the SST Council for the Medical Faculty Nelia Valovina, the Deputy Chairman of the SST Council for the Specialized Medical College of IFNMU Alina Semkiv, the Secretary of the SST Council Oleksandr Kornutii, as well as members of the SST Council Viktoriia Aleksandruk, Yelyzaveta Khoina, Maksym Hnatyk and Vasyl Kozakevych.

The TNMU Student Scientific Society was represented by the Chairman of the SST Council Viktoriiya Miroshnyk, the Head of the Sector of International and All-Ukrainian Scientific Programs of the SST Oleksandr Mihenko, as well as members of the Sector of International and All-Ukrainian Scientific Programs of the SST Danylo Kutsenko and Nadiya Stratiuk. During the visit, IFNMU students visited the TESIMED Simulation Training Center - one of the most modern educational platforms of our university.

The Board of the TNMU STS expresses sincere gratitude to the director of the center, Antonina Chervatiuk, for an interesting and informative excursion, during which the guests got acquainted in detail with the features of the educational process, equipment and methods of modeling pathological conditions and diseases using simulators used to practice practical skills that are as close as possible to real clinical situations.

The guests also visited the university buildings. Thus, in the administrative building, the students visited the classrooms, the museum of the corresponding member of the NAMS of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Leonid Yakimovich Kovalchuk, and also had the opportunity to observe the district training in first aid for scouts, organized by TNMU students. In the morphological building, they visited the Museum of Human Anatomy.

The most important part of the meeting was a round table session, during which the participants discussed key issues of the development of student scientific societies and their further cooperation. In particular, attention was focused on the organization of annual congresses, exchange of experience in conducting scientific events and improvement of work. Both sides shared successful practices, discussed the possibilities of implementing joint initiatives and agreed on closer interaction in the future. This meeting was not only interesting, but also useful for all participants.

The exchange of experience, discussion of important issues and outlining joint plans confirmed that our societies have many common goals and aspirations.

We hope that this visit will be the beginning of our close cooperation, which will bring new opportunities for students, promote the implementation of joint projects and strengthen ties between our universities. We look forward to new meetings and joint initiatives!

Information provided by Viktoriia Miroshnyk

Photo of the meeting participants


Lecture for paramedic students "Effective communication with the soldiers" On February 5, 2025, a lecture for higher education students of the OPP "Paramedic" on the topic "Effective communication with the military" was held at the Mental Health Center of the TNMU. The event was organized by the Department of Psychiatry, Narcology and Medical Psychology together with the Scientific Society of Students. The main speaker of the event, Prof. Olena Venher, spoke about the peculiarities of the psycho-emotional state of military personnel who have returned from the combat zone, and shared practical advice on effective communication with them. Also during the event, Assoc. Prof. Olha Liuta spoke about her experience working with such patients. The topic of the lecture aroused considerable interest among higher education students, because the issue of communication with people who have experienced combat experience is extremely relevant in modern realities. The participants of the event had the opportunity to get acquainted with important aspects of communication with the military, to learn what words and actions are appropriate for support, and which should be avoided.

Special attention was paid to the topic of difficulties with adaptation and experiencing traumatic experiences in the military after returning from the combat zone. The organizers express their sincere gratitude to the guarantor of the OPP "Paramedic" Prof. Arsen Hudyma, as well as Assoc. Prof. Olha Prokhorenko for their help in organizing the event. We hope that such meetings will become a good tradition and will help students in their future practice.

Information provided by the Scientific Society of Students. Photos by Diana Hryhoryshyn.


✨Is Artificial Intelligence a Threat or an Aid to Medical Professionals?  🤖🩺

On 21 January, the Students' Scientific Society held an English-language discussion on “Is Artificial Intelligence a Threat or an Aid to Medical Professionals?”. The event was attended by both international and Ukrainian students.  

💡The participants were divided into two teams: ’’Favour’’ and “Against”. Both sides impressed everyone with their preparation, arguments and teamwork. After emotional presentations and heated discussions, the ’’Favour team’’ won! 🏆 

We thank the jury members - the Vice Deans of the Faculty of International Students Dr. Oksana Lebid and Dr. Oleksandr Tokarskyi - for their professional assessment.  

This intellectual battle has become a real celebration of science, creativity and teamwork! 🙌 Congratulations to all participants on their outstanding performances, and to the winners on their well-deserved success!  🎉


🧬 GENDER CHANGE — the way to one's own identity: the results of the scientific discussion 📚

On November 13, 2024, the Scientific Society of Students held an exciting and relevant scientific discussion on the topic "Gender change — the path to one's own identity." 💬

Two teams took part in the debate:

🔷Team "For", "which defended the right of every person to choose their own gender identity. Captain: Olesya Lemishka, Participants: Anastasia Svergun, Oksana Safronova, Maria Styranka and Marina Chirko.

🔶The "Against" team, which advocated the preservation of traditional values ​​and biological boundaries. Captain: Nazar Kolyasa, Participants: Anastasia Radko, Solomiya Kiselyk, Danyil Barytskyi, Angelina Lototska and Oleksandra Kutsevol.

📊According to the results of the jury's vote, the "For" team won, but the audience preferred the "Against" team. So we have an even score, which only emphasizes the debatable nature of the topic. This question remains open for new discussions!

We sincerely thank our participating teams and all free listeners for your active participation and support!

🫶Special thanks to our esteemed members of the jury: doctor-psychiatrist Lesya SAS, doctor-surgeon Maryana-Ivanna VARVARUK and doctor-therapist Mykhailo BUCHYNSKY!!! Your expertise and impartiality made our event more exciting and informative!💙

Let's continue to explore, ask questions and seek answers together. See you again at our scientific events!🚀


📅 3 occasions of the World Diabetes Day, which is celebrated annually on November 14, the Scientific Society of Students and the Council of Young Scientists of TNMU invites everyone to join the webinar at 15:30 on the MS Teams platform!

💡Invited speakers:

👩‍⚕️Ludmila MAZUR is an endocrinologist, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor, with a report on the topic: "Prevention of diabetes and its complications: modern trends."

👨‍⚕️Serhiy KARPENYUK is a surgeon, specialist in wound treatment, head of the Western Wound Treatment Center, with a report on the topic: "Clinical experience in the treatment of neuropathic, mixed diabetic foot ulcers - TIME-concept & RWD".

 🗣️At the end of the webinar, all participants will have the opportunity to ask questions to the speakers and take part in the discussion.

 🔗To register, fill out the form at the link: https:// (active link in profile bio)

🎉We are waiting for everyone who wants to join our event!


Top lifehacks for memorization that will come in handy for medical students:

📚1. Feynman's method. Explain the information in simple language, as if you were teaching someone else. This will help identify gaps in knowledge. The essence of the method is to explain the topic to the "child". If you can do this, then you really understand the material well!

🧠2. Understanding the essence. Jaggedness without understanding leads to rapid forgetting. After an hour you will remember about 60% of the information, after 10 hours - 35%, and after 6 days - only 20%. Meaningful information is stored in long-term memory - it should only be repeated periodically. &

⏳3. Interval repetitions. If you need to quickly learn a topic or prepare for an exam, try the repetition algorithm: the first - after 20 minutes, the second - after 6-8 hours, the third - after a day. Use Anki ao Quizlet to create spaced repetition flashcards.

💡4. Flash cards. Cards with a question on one side and an answer on the other are simple but effective! Perfect for terms, definitions and symptoms. Anki or Quizlet will help you create flashcards in digital format. •

🎨5. Associations and visualization. Make connections between new information and what you already know. Imagine complex structures as images, use rhymes, humor or even absurd associations. Visual images are easier to remember, activating memory.

Use these techniques and learning will become more productive and enjoyable!

The author of the text is Yatsuh Iryna

The author of the image is Inha Behosh


Dear students! The Scientific Society of TNMU invites you to participate in a scientific discussion on the topic: "GENDER CHANGE - the way to your own identity: pros and cons."

Boundaries are blurring, values ​​are changing. Are we ready to accept the new reality?

Gender change - an act of self-expression or an attempt to escape from oneself? Gender change - a violation of the laws of nature or an expansion of ideas about human capabilities?

Join us and let's discuss these debatable issues together

🔗Participation is possible in two forms:

 - active participant (work in a team, search for arguments and report if desired)


🔗Date: November 13, Wednesday.

Administrative building (auditorium #3)

📌In order to become a member of the team or come as a free listener, please fill out the form

It will be available until November 4, 23:59 or will become unavailable sooner if there are enough participants!


🎓Do you want to become part of the scientific community?⭐

Selection for the Scientific Society of TNMU students is open! Join one of our sectors and open new horizons of science with us. Fill out the form and take the first step towards future discoveries!

We are waiting for you! 💡🔬


At the event of the Scientific Society of Students "Students for Students", which took place recently, the participants had a great opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of scientific research. The main topic was preparation for writing the first scientific paper - where to start, how to structure the process and achieve success.

First of all, attention was focused on the importance of clearly defining the topic and purpose of the research. The speakers told how to correctly formulate work tasks and choose research methods. There were also tips on analyzing scientific sources — how to find relevant information and use it effectively.

In addition to the theoretical part, the participants were involved in a practical seminar in which they had the opportunity to work in teams, defining the topics of their scientific works and the principles of their writing.

As part of the workshop, a mini-defense of formed team projects took place, which revealed the potential of future scientists. The event helped students improve their teamwork skills and tested their readiness to work in a stressful situation with clearly defined deadlines. sayo for writing a scientific paper, to maintain a balance between study and research. It was not only an informative but also an inspiring event where students were able to get answers to all their questions.

#StudentsForStudents #Science #Scientific Society #Students #Research #ScientificWork


🚀NTS traditionally starts work with the workshop "Student4Student: discover your potential"!

📅Date: 25.09 (Wednesday)

🕟Time: 17:30

🏫Place: Administrative building of TNMU (we will inform the audience in addition)

🔍We will tell you how to start your scientific activity from scratch! And it will be an interactive workshop, so you definitely won't have to be bored😎 You will learn:

1️⃣Why should you write a scientific paper 2 3

2️⃣How to choose a scientific supervisor

3️⃣What sources to use

4️⃣How to properly design your work 5

5️⃣Where can you present the results (conferences, etc.)

Do not miss the chance to open new opportunities with us! Registration here (or in profile biography) -> https:// a4976719bSyQ/viewform? Vc=0&C=0&W=1&f|r=0&usp=mail_form_link #HTC #Student4Student #ТНМУ #Science #OpenYourPotential #workshop

On March 29, 2024, the Student’s Scientific Society of TNMU orchestrated a Scientific Debate on the Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Medical Practice. 

Both Team For and Team Against showcased commendable levels of preparation and argumentation, captivating the audience with their insightful perspectives and rigorous analysis. Their articulate presentations and impassioned advocacy illuminated the complexities surrounding the integration of Artificial Intelligence in healthcare, prompting critical reflections and spirited exchanges. A distinguished panel of judges, including Ass. Prof. Reminetskyi Borys, Ass. Prof. Hantimurov Anton, Prof. Hospodarskyy Andriy, and Prof. Dmyto Vakulenko, esteemed experts in their respective fields, meticulously evaluated the arguments presented by both teams. Their discerning assessments and insightful inquiries provided invaluable insights into the ethical, scientific, and practical dimensions of AI implementation in medical practice. In a closely contested debate, Team For emerged victorious by only a few points, reflecting the intensity and depth of the arguments presented by both teams. Despite the narrow margin of victory, Team For's articulate advocacy, scientific depth, and persuasive communication resonated strongly with the judging panel, ultimately earning them the accolade of the winning team. However, it is important to acknowledge the outstanding efforts of Team Against, who demonstrated exceptional dedication, intellectual prowess, and a commitment to advancing dialogue within the medical community. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Podilska Tetiana, Head of the Student’s Scientific Society, and Haggag Shady, President of the Egyptian Students Association,for their exceptional efforts in organizing and hosting this enlightening debate on the Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Medical Practice. Their unwavering dedication, meticulous planning, and exemplary leadership were instrumental in ensuring the success of this event, providing a platform for meaningful dialogue and intellectual exchange that will resonate within the medical community for years to come.

SCIENTIFIC DEBATE on topic “The use of artificial intelligence in medicine: FOR and AGAINST?” 


On February 1, 2024, members of TNMU Student Scientific Society (chairman – Tetiana Podilska, secretary – Marta-Viktoria Zaleshchuk) organized a scientific discussion on the topic “The use of artificial intelligence in medicine: for or against?” 

The concept of the discussion club remains unchanged and consists not only in identifying the arguments “for” or “against” or in determining the winning team, but in clarifying the positive and negative aspects of the outlined problem, so that each of the participants in the dialogue finds their own “golden mean”. 

This time, students of the first, second, third and fifth years took part in the intellectual duel, who decided on their personal position and formed two teams – “Synergy” (“for”) and “Discomfort Zone” (“against”). 

The captain of the “Synergy” team was Stanislav Bedrii, the participants were Nadia Luchyshyn, Dmytro Kopytchak, Daria Herasymchuk, Albina Pylypchuk, Andrii Khomyn, Yaryna Turchyn, Melania Serkhovets, Andrii Ilnytskyi. The “Discomfort Zone” team was headed by Marian Ditkun, and its active participants were Vasylyna Mushynska, Liubov Stelmashchuk, Nazar Burmai, Oksana Stanhret, Solomia Faka, Nadia Stratiuk, Yulia Kalchenia, Liubomyr Pidhrushnyi. 


The course of the discussion was closely monitored, thoroughly analyzed and objectively evaluated by the members of the jury: the Head of the Department of Medical Informatics, Professor Dmytro Vakulenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Medical Informatics Andrii Semenets, Associate Professor of the Department of Therapy and Family Medicine Iryna Borovyk, Associate Professors of the Department of Ukrainian Language Nadiia Oliynyk and Marta Rudenko. 


Moderators Sofia Berehuliak and Oleksandr Mihenko were not only the usual presenters of this certainly interesting event, but also managed to create a positive and friendly atmosphere of intellectual activity in the audience. 


The participants of both teams seriously and responsibly prepared for the discussion, studied a number of sources, systematized the facts quite skilfully in order to prove the correctness of their position. 


It was interesting to observe the process of collective work of both teams (searching for the right answers, the ability to listen to everyone, etc.), the formation of the leader’s personality, which was demonstrated by the captains. The topic of the discussion did not leave the audience, both teachers and students, indifferent. They took an active part in the discussion of issues. 



The “Discomfort Zone” team was recognized as the winner, but, we hope, this did not disappoint their opponents, but rather set them up for further intellectual competitions, because only in a creative discussion is the truth born. 


The organizers thank all participants and hope for active cooperation in the future. 


The information was provided by Ihor Havryshchak. 


Photo by Mykola Vasylechko.

Invitation 2024.pdf


 We invite you to participate in the work of



which will take place on 8-10th of April , 2024.

Students and young scientists (up to 35 years old, doctoral students, doctors of science - up to 40 years old) are invited to participate.

 Registration deadline - 1st of March  

The scientific program of the congress includes consideration of various issues in the field of theoretical, experimental, practical medicine and pharmacy. 

Our goal is to unite the efforts of young people to achieve better public health in the world. 

The congress was submitted to the register of the Ministry of Education and science.

For detailed information, please, look through the invitation, attached to this mail.

With best regards - 

Students` Scientific Society!

Dear colleagues! Scientific Student`s Society of TNMU invites you to be free listener in the English-speaking scientific debate on the topic:


During the debate we will consider medical, ethical & legal aspects. 

Both students and teaching staff are invited!

 • When? February 6 at 5:30 pm

 • Where? Dean’s office building, 4th floor, aud. 3

Dear students! Scientific Student`s Society of TNMU invites you to participate in an English-speaking scientific debate on the topic:


Participation is possible in two forms:

- Participant of team (speaker)

- Free listener

Both Ukrainian and foreign students are invited to participate.

The debate will take place soon, so hurry to fill out the registration form

The exact date will be announced soon.

On December 7, a scientific debate "Legalization of medical cannabis in Ukraine: for and against" was held. Students of various courses, both foreign and Ukrainian, took part in the event. Two teams, each with their own leader and presentations, presented their arguments for and against the legalization of medical cannabis. After the presentations, both groups had the opportunity to ask questions and respond to the opponents' counterarguments. The jury, which included Professor Mariya Marushchak (Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Students), Associate Professor Svitlana Danchak (Director of the Institute of Nursing) and Professor Oksana Shevchuk, evaluated the preparation and activity of the teams. They preferred participants who advocated the legalization of medical cannabis. The "For" team was recognized for the high level of preparation and substantiation of its claims, arguing that it could alleviate the suffering of millions of patients and advance scientific research. The members of the "Against" team also demonstrated their potential through persuasive arguments and the ability to defend their point of view. They focused on issues of ecology, correct dosage and other aspects of cannabis use. Thanks to the council of the Students` Scientific Society of TNMU and its head, Tetiana Podilska, for organizing the event in English format, which allowed Ukrainian and foreign students to unite, as well as for choosing an interesting topic that attracted a large number of participants. The discussion was a great opportunity to exchange opinions on a current topic, develop public speaking skills and learn to work in a team.

🔬Student's Scientific Society of Poltava State Medical University invites you to participate in the "International Medical Students Conference in Poltava (IMEDSCOP) 2024", which will is due to take place on March 28th, 2024!

🔹Abstract submission deadline - January 31st, 2024.

🔹The format is hybrid, with online and offline sections.

🔹Advisory letters regarding the format and rules of participation of IMEDSCOP 2024 are already in our Telegram channel and on our official website.

The XXVI International Medical Congress of Students and Young Scientists took place

At the XXVI International Congress of Students and Young Scientists, 270 abstracts were published at conferences (178 program participants), of which 252 at national and 172 at international ones. Diplomas and certificates will be sent to you in the near future.  

instruction .docx


We are pleased to inform you that the XXVI International Medical Congress of Students and Young Scientists will be held on April 13-15, 2022 online mode. Due to the difficult situation facing our country and each of us, the Scientific Society of Students and the Council of Young Scientists, of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, we have decided to transfer the funds raised for participation in the congress to the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (purchase of ammunition, military equipment, medicines).

ЗАПРОШЕННЯ анг іногородні 2022.pdf


On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 26th INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CONGRESS OF STUDENTS AND YOUNG SCIENTISTS we are delighted to invite you to the Congress on the 13-15th of April, 2022.

The scientific program of the Congress comprises various issues in the  spheres of theoretical, experimental and practical medicine.

The aim of the Congress is to consolidate the efforts of young professionals  for promoting good social health in the world. Medical students and young  scientists (up to 35y.o).

In 2021-2022, the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers will take place.

The first round of the competition will last from December 1, 2021 to January 31, 2022 in ZVO, for which the Rector's Order established a Commission to review student research papers that will apply for participation in the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition.

The works will be accepted in the following areas: Medicine, Theoretical Medicine, Theoretical Medicine (English), Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Medical Diagnostics and Treatment Technologies, Clinical Medicine, Basic Medicine, Preventive Medicine, English Pharmacology, Pharmacy , medical psychology.

Papers prepared according to the rules ( must be submitted to the scientific department by January 31, 2022 inclusive.

Due to the unfavorable epidemiological situation, the second round will be conducted online (review of works and presentation by the authors).

Наказ додаток провед.Кон...уд.наук робіт 2021-22 (1).pdf



Dear colleagues!

Medical professional college of Zaporizhia state medical University invites teachers, students, undergraduates, graduate students, as well as the entire educational community interested in innovation medical education, to take part in the work of the All-Ukrainian distance scientific practical conference "Innovations in medical education: prospects, challenges and opportunities ”, which will take place on January 21, 2022

We invite talented students, whose scientific work you manage, to submit abstracts for participation in the 4th RECOOP International Student Conference, Prague 2022, which will be held in Prague (Czech Republic) on April 7, 2022.

DEADLINE for submission of abstracts - January 15, 2022.

Please send abstracts (in English according to the requirements and topics) and according to the requirements (in the attached file) to emails, Sandor G. Vari, M.D. ( and cc Simona Lauerova (

Samarkand State Medical Institute invites you on December 17, 2021 to take part in the international scientific-practical conference "Horizons of modern surgery". The aim of the conference is to exchange global achievements, new academic knowledge and experience in the field of surgical diseases. The conference will be attended by leading foreign scientists in the field of surgery, experts from around the world, representing their scientific societies.


The Organizing Committee of the scientific symposium with international participation in the online format "Problematic issues of functional disorders of the digestive system and comorbidity in general practice, the peculiarities of pharmaceutical care" is honored to invite you to participate in its work.

Instructions for submitting materials and participation in the scientific conference:


We invite you to the online presentation of the program "Zavtra.UA". The speaker will be Julia Bandrivska, who will tell students online about the opportunities and benefits of the program, as well as how to properly apply for the competition, the stages of selection of fellows and the support provided by the Foundation.

The Zavtra.UA Scholarship Program of the Victor Pinchuk Foundation is the first private nationwide program to support talented youth. Its main goal is to promote the formation and strengthening of a new generation of intellectual and business elite of the country.

Dear colleagues!

Department of Technologies of Pharmaceuticals of the National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine invite you to participate in the IX International Scientific-Practical Internet-Conference «Modern achievements of pharmaceutical technology» that will take place on November, 5th 2021.

The deadline for submission of the article / thesis has been extended to November 4, 2021.

Full information at the link

Registration form (submission of article / thesis) -



STUDENT SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY NAMED AFTER PROFESSOR MD DOVHYALLO Donetsk National Medical University (M.LYMAN) MH UKRAINE INVITES YOU 18 - 19 NOVEMBER 2021 TO TAKE PART IN 83rd Ukrainian Scientific Medical Congress of Students and Young Scientists "Medicine of the XXI century" (with international participation).


The XXV International Medical Congress of Students and Young Scientists took place

At the jubilee XXV International Congress of Students and Young Scientists was about 500 abstracts are presented. 225 took a direct part in the work of the congress participants, including 64 from 15 cities of Ukraine, as well as 151 participants from Ternopil.

Samarkand State Medical Institute invites medical students and young scientists to take part in the 75th scientific-practical conference "Modern Medicine and Pharmacy: new approaches and current research", which will be held on May 14, 2021 at the Samarkand State Medical Institute.

75th scientific-practical conference "Modern Medicine and Pharmacy: new approaches and current research"

XVIII All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference with international participation "Current issues of higher medical (pharmaceutical) education: current challenges and prospects for their solution"

Dear colleagues!

We ask everyone to hurry up and take part in the XVIII All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference with international participation "Current issues of higher medical (pharmaceutical) education: current challenges and prospects for their solution", which will be held May 20-21, 2021 at Ternopil National Medical University. AND I. Gorbachev Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Competition of scientific works for awarding the Ivan Gorbachevsky Prize

The award is given to TNMU scientists for the development of the scientific potential of the University, increasing its rating and popularization in Ukraine and abroad.

Works can be submitted in the following areas:

1) achievements in research activities on the problems of theoretical medicine and pharmacy;

2) achievements in research activities on the problems of clinical medicine and dentistry;

3) achievements in research activities on the problems of social sciences and humanities.

Competitive selection is carried out in accordance with the Procedure for awarding the Ivan Gorbachevsky Prize at Ternopil National Medical University named after I.Ya. Gorbachev Ministry of Health of Ukraine at the link: Gorbachevskogo-MOZ-Ukrayiny.pdf

The deadline for submission of materials for participation in the competition is May 15, 2021.

All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "LINGUODIDACTICS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE PERSONAL PARADIGM"

We invite you to participate in the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "LINGUODIDACTICS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE PERSONAL PARADIGM", which will take place on June 3-4, 2021 at the Ternopil National Medical University named after I.Ya. Gorbachev Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference with international participation "Actual problems of higher medical education and science"

We invite you to take part ONLINE in the FREE all-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference with international participation "Actual problems of higher medical education and science", which will be held on April 8, 2021 at Kharkiv National Medical University.

Certificates and abstracts will be sent to the e-mail address specified by you in electronic form.