"Student science and career guidance training"


Selection of talented young people among TNMU students for the training of future teachers and scientists, their comprehensive professional training.


1. Acquaintance of students with a methodology of carrying out scientific researches, conducting scientific documentation.

2. Acquisition by students of experience of presentation of results of scientific researches at conferences, in professional editions.

3. Selection of talented young people among TNMU students for admission to master's, clinical residency and postgraduate studies.

Who can become a participant of the program:

To perform scientific work - students of I-VI courses of the university, to participate in career guidance training - students of IV-VI courses. Prerequisites are excellent or good education (grades "good" - no more than 25% of the total), computer skills, knowledge of a foreign language (English or French - with a certificate).

How to become a member of the program:

- a teacher-supervisor is required to participate in the program. The maximum number should not exceed 1-2 students per 1 teacher during the academic year.

- general coordination of the work of students-scientists and vocational training is carried out by the Student Scientific Society (STS) and its council.

- in the council of NTS the student receives the individual account card of work of the student-scientist or the individual account card of vocational training.

- individual registration card is signed by the student and the teacher-supervisor. It contains data on the direction of scientific research (for example - immunopathology of viral hepatitis) or vocational training (for example - cardiology).

- the card records data on computer skills and the level of knowledge of a foreign language (Department of Informatics).

- subject to compliance with the criteria of quality of the beginning, timely delivery of materials, the individual account card is signed by the dean of faculty.

Program implementation:

Clearly distinguish between the concepts of career guidance training (communication and work on clinical interests or future specialty, examination of patients, analysis of medical histories, participation in surgical interventions, etc.) and the work of students-scientists (individual work with supervisors, work with patients in laboratories, archives, preparation of scientific articles, reports at conferences, etc.). These student activities may not be compatible.